Client Testimonials
In the middle of 2011 my wife started to experience occasional feelings of pins and needles in the ends of her fingers in one hand, which we were told was probably due to a trapped nerve. Whilst mildly disconcerting they did not last for long nor were they painful and we thought no more of it.
Then just before Christmas 2011 things suddenly got a whole lot worse with the pins and needles developing into severe neck and arm pain that left my wife crying in agony. This is a lady who has endured 2 Caesarean Sections, a hysterectomy and Coronary Artery By-Pass surgery but this was far and away the worst pain she had ever had and pain killers did not really help. Our local GP Practice and Paramedics were very good coming out on more than one occasion in the early hours of the morning to try and reduce the pain and discomfort.
She was prescribed pain killers, anti inflammatory tablets, muscle relaxant tablets (plus tablets to protect the lining of the stomach) but they were of no real help. Then luckily for us one of the GPs thought that physiotherapy might be of benefit and suggested we contact Matt Flux as he was highly recommended.
We contacted Matt explained the situation and he agreed to see us within a day or so and from that moment onwards things started to get better.
Whilst in the waiting room my wife was in great discomfort and when Matt called us in to the consulting room she had great difficulty lying down on the examination couch due to the severe pain she was in. With great patience and tenderness Matt examined her thoroughly and explained what he thought the problem was and said he believed he could help but it would take time. He agreed it was likely a trapped nerve and whilst we needed to find the cause of the entrapment he could alleviated the symptoms and reduce the discomfort with massage and manipulation.
Over the few next weeks he treated my wife and almost immediately the pain and discomfort improved and neck movement began to return and my wife started to come out of the nightmare she had been in.
She is now pretty well pain free but if she starts to experience discomfort in the neck area we contact Matt who treats her to ensure we never go back to the dark days before Christmas 2011.
Matt Flux always explains with great clarity what he thinks the problem is and what he is going to do and then with tenderness and understanding starts the treatment.
We cannot recommend Matt highly enough and will always be in considerable debt to him.
Steve Rayner
Then just before Christmas 2011 things suddenly got a whole lot worse with the pins and needles developing into severe neck and arm pain that left my wife crying in agony. This is a lady who has endured 2 Caesarean Sections, a hysterectomy and Coronary Artery By-Pass surgery but this was far and away the worst pain she had ever had and pain killers did not really help. Our local GP Practice and Paramedics were very good coming out on more than one occasion in the early hours of the morning to try and reduce the pain and discomfort.
She was prescribed pain killers, anti inflammatory tablets, muscle relaxant tablets (plus tablets to protect the lining of the stomach) but they were of no real help. Then luckily for us one of the GPs thought that physiotherapy might be of benefit and suggested we contact Matt Flux as he was highly recommended.
We contacted Matt explained the situation and he agreed to see us within a day or so and from that moment onwards things started to get better.
Whilst in the waiting room my wife was in great discomfort and when Matt called us in to the consulting room she had great difficulty lying down on the examination couch due to the severe pain she was in. With great patience and tenderness Matt examined her thoroughly and explained what he thought the problem was and said he believed he could help but it would take time. He agreed it was likely a trapped nerve and whilst we needed to find the cause of the entrapment he could alleviated the symptoms and reduce the discomfort with massage and manipulation.
Over the few next weeks he treated my wife and almost immediately the pain and discomfort improved and neck movement began to return and my wife started to come out of the nightmare she had been in.
She is now pretty well pain free but if she starts to experience discomfort in the neck area we contact Matt who treats her to ensure we never go back to the dark days before Christmas 2011.
Matt Flux always explains with great clarity what he thinks the problem is and what he is going to do and then with tenderness and understanding starts the treatment.
We cannot recommend Matt highly enough and will always be in considerable debt to him.
Steve Rayner

I’ve attached a photo to show off and say thanks for the help with the ITB. Everything has been fine since I introduced swimming and cycling along with the stretches and a bit more common sense!
No more marathons for a while either – I need to stay injury free for Ironman UK 2011!
Thanks again Mike Luke
I’ve attached a photo to show off and say thanks for the help with the ITB. Everything has been fine since I introduced swimming and cycling along with the stretches and a bit more common sense!
No more marathons for a while either – I need to stay injury free for Ironman UK 2011!
Thanks again Mike Luke
"Without Matt's help I would not be where I am today, a restaurant owner:-In early March 2008 and in the process of buying a restaurant I was at my wits end. The pain I was in was more than I could bear and I was having to rely on too many strong painkillers, which in turn were affecting my well being. I was given Matt's number by my doctors surgery and I rang out of desperation. With Matt's help and patience I am no longer in the constant pain that I was in and the pain I am now suffering is manageable. I would recommend anyone giving Matt a ring as he will not waste anyone's time (unlike others) if he can help he will, but I would also like to say that as well as him helping you. you also need to want to help yourself."
“Back in July, I suffered from back pain, a reoccurring problem that I have had for a few years. However this time was worse than it had been before and so I decided to finally get my back looked at. I was recommended to contact Matt by my doctor. Matt reassured me from start to finish that the pain in my back was not serious, and that it could be sorted by doing core strength exercises. Matt gave me guidance on how to complete these exercised properly, to maximum effect. I have no doubt that these exercises reduced my recovery time. Matt was very professional throughout each session, and reassured me that the pain that I have on occasions is easily curable with core strength activities. I believe that Matt has helped me a great deal, not only in the recent months, but also in preventing any reoccurrences of the pain, and in the future as I now know what to do if the problem reoccurs. Thank you very much for all you help”.